complex waveform การใช้
- Note that this does not hold true for more complex waveforms.
- Time measurements are easier to interpret pulses and complex waveforms.
- Most musical instruments generate a fairly complex waveform.
- As oscilloscopes have become more powerful over time, enhanced triggering options allow capture and display of more complex waveforms.
- Consequently, Fourier transforms can exploit the fact that any complex waveform may be decomposed into a series of simple sinusoids.
- The resulting complex waveform may have many component frequencies, and there is no requirement that they all bear a harmonic relationship.
- In the case of repetitive, but complex waveforms, variable holdoff can create a stable display that cannot otherwise be achieved.
- In fact, broadband modems fit the definition of " modem " because they use complex waveforms to carry digital data.
- I need to be able to load wave files into plotting software since I cannot simply mathematically " plot " the complex waveform information.
- Since it is designed to turn on and off rapidly, amplifiers that use it often synthesize complex waveforms with pulse-width modulation and low-pass filters.
- The latter method allows the DDG to have more funtionality such as selectable reference's, combining timing to create more complex waveforms and having independent channel timing properties.
- The Hoover is a complex waveform that can be created with three oscillators, each spaced an octave apart, a heavy use of pulse-width modulation and a thick chorus effect.
- ;Display technologies : Music workstations adopted the most effective input / output devices available for their price range, since there were complex control settings to display, complex waveforms, and complex sequences.
- This is, if the input to a system is the complex waveform A e ^ { st } for some complex amplitude A and complex frequency s, the output will be some complex constant times the input, say B e ^ { st } for some new complex amplitude B.
- :: Beyond the specific and limited capabilities of throat singing, though, I'd say the answer is No . A typical speaker can produce arbitrarily complex waveforms, because it's constantly driven by a magnet, which pushes air in whatever pattern is encoded in the signal.
- I read it can be used to split a complex waveform into a series of sine waves, for example to get a spectrum of a sound . is this correct ? what, if anything else can it be used for ? and i would like if known, a link to details on how to do it . thank you, talk ) 01 : 41, 16 August 2013 ( UTC)